About Grab & Gojek in Bintan Island

Bintan Gojek And Grab information

Many travelers often wonder whether they can access Gojek or Grab services in Bintan Island when planning their visit to this beautiful destination.

If you are one of those curious individuals seeking this information, below are the explanation

Is There Grab & Gojek in Bintan Island?

Currently, there is no Gojek or Grab service available in Bintan Island.

These popular ride-hailing services are only accessible in Tanjungpinang City area, the main city of Bintan Island.

The absence of such services on the island may be attributed to the limited demand.

So, How Do You Get Around Bintan?

The best way to getting around Bintan is by hiring a hiring taxi services & a driver

This option gives you the flexibility to travel anywhere on the island without worrying about routes or schedules.

Whether you’re planning a short trip, a half-day tour, or a full-day adventure, having a private driver makes it convenient and stress-free.

We provide custom transportation services tailored to you needs.

The taxi price depends on the service you need, your itinerary, the number of people, and the duration (for car rentals).

It’s easy!

You can get a customized taxi price by sharing your plans with us.

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